About Me

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I am Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend, and the Best Person I know. With all the pain and disappointments in my life. I try to learn the lessons from every situation; good or bad. To remember through it all I'm BLESSED and so Thankful.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Letting Go!

Originally Posted - Friday, April 15, 2011
Letting Go!
We all by now have probably heard the saying "never allow someone to be your priority when you're just an option" or "people come into your life for a reason, season, or lifetime". Those sayings and philosophy's make perfect sense however, one thing I struggle with from time to time is letting go of my reason and season people. I eventually do but I think I hang on longer than I should. For those of you out there like myself learn to let go gracefully and completely because who's for you is for you. Anytime your pushing, praying and waiting for someone to feel deeply for you and you know in your heart they may care for you but your not a priority, or been giving the invitation or opportunity to be apart of their life; its time to stop fantasizing and come back to reality. Wishing something to change, grow or evolve when it hasn't already is a waste of time and spirit. Don't ever settle as someone's 2nd, 3rd or 4th option; if you can't be his/her 1st; then on to the next. Unless he/she is as insignificant as you are to them and your both on the same page about that; some people are cool with F buddies or booty call chicks and dudes! For those of us who are not agreeable with those terms just maintain your good morals and have fun. Life is too short to stress over people's feelings or attitudes you can't change or control. Peace!
Originally Posted by Ms. Angela's Stuff at 11:01 PM

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